April 30, 2011

Birthright. Video:

A 5Point Film Festival Fave: Birthright.

A tragic accident surfing and resulting handicap doesn’t keep this man from the ocean.

This one is raw, this gent has guts and power and a brave willingness to be open and un-self-conscious that I can only envy.

Talked with the filmmaker last night and he gave me a good part of the back story…it’s a remarkable story of a young man who loved to surf, paralyzed doing what he loves, who finds a difficult, intense, ritualistic way to get back in the water each day: to get free of his handicap and enjoy the ocean and his god-given freedom of movement once again.

Inspiring? Just a bit:


Original Vídeo from Sean Mullens in http://vimeo.com/9358866

One man’s struggle to transcend.

This humble film is about a friend of mine named Michael and his daily ritual to find his natural self through surfing.

Directed by Sean Mullens
Cinematography by Sean Mullens

Music by The Album Leaf – Into the Blue Again – Broken Arrow
Sub Pop Records 2006

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