April 3, 2011

If you don’t cry at least a little watching this, you need to watch this again.

Bullying. It’s a national, and international epidemic. It’s not new, of course—that we term it an epidemic means that finally we’re aware of it, now.

Bullying. It’s what turns sweethearts cold and cloistered, in an effort to protect ourselves. It’s what turns children tough, or depressed, or cynical, or outcasts.

Of course, many of our reactions to bullying help to make us the wonderful sweethearts we are. But no child should be subjected to prolonged bullying without ready access to tools and help.

I was bullied—mostly, by two girls—in junior high, all year. I was tripped on the field and stuffed in a locker and made fun of in front of the whole class before the teacher arrived. I cried the whole year, biking home with Noel. It took yeeears to grow through and out of all that—it made me who I am, in hard and empathetic ways, both. ~ Waylon


Sticks & Stones.

“I’ve had a lot of people come up to me and say, ‘I know not to say bad things. I think before I say something.’ And that’s just amazing, because [they] actually are being affected by my video.”

Uh, wow.

This young lady’s video re: Bullying has “gone viral.” Thank god:

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