April 13, 2011

My analyst warned me, but you were so beautiful I got another analyst.

Questions regarding Therapy.

What good is your therapist if they only know what you tell them? How genuine is a “retail” relationship between a customer (is always right) and a “doctor” (really, a vendor dispensing selective, subjective wisdom inherently limited by the information and honesty of the client, in 30 or 50 or 2 hour blocks)?

The key to getting your money’s worth in therapy, it would seem, would be blatant brave wide-open honesty. But if the client is neurotic, confused, one-sided, lying even to themselves…can a skilled therapist unravel their bullshit?

On the other hand, is therapy in danger of being mistaken by the client as some sort of cocoon, as entertainment? Do we enjoy our problems? If our problems subsided, would we be bored, groundless, unnerved? Would “solving” them or getting to a point where we realize our self-perpetuating samsaric habitual patterns are in fact non-existent and boring…be bad business for said therapist? (of course, yes…but, then, an effective therapist will get more recommendations, I’d think).



One of the most famous opening sequences in cinema history:

Why is life worth living?

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