5.4 Editor's Pick
May 27, 2011

A Truly Epic Speech.

“Do not despair.” A beautiful speech. I prefer the second video down, with the Inception soundtrack.

If you’re a grandma/pa, a teacher, a lover, if you like to dance, you love your dog or cat or goldfish or reading a book by a tree by a river, you’ll find these words and images stirring…in your heart. ~ ed.

The most Beautiful Speech…


…the Barber’s Speech from The Great Dictator by Charlie Chaplin, set against Hans Zimmer’s “Time” from Inception’s OST.


The idea of playing the two YouTube videos of the speech part of The Great Dictator with “Time” was something I found on 4chan, and I just edited them together to make it easier and faster to see how great the two go together.

This is old vs. new. The video is of Charlie Chaplin’s speech in “The Great Dictator” (1940), and the audio is the track “Time” by Hans Zimmer from the Inception OST.
The Great Dictator: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0032553/

Inception OST: http://www.amazon.com/Inception-Hans-Zimmer/dp/B003ODL004


“One of the most important speeches in recorded history was given by a comedian…”


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