June 7, 2011

Crowning achievements: awakening, insight and enlightenment via sahasrara chakra

{Learn more about all 7 major energy centers — Fun with chakras!}

Awake to reality, to truth, to things just as they are. ~Lama Surya Das

Crown chakra concerns: spiritual growth, wisdom, union, divine connection, insight, equanimity, awakening, enlightenment

Crown chakra essential questions:

How do I connect with the divine source of all life that dwells within me?
What insights are my experiences giving me?
How do I awaken each morning?
When and where do I feel a sense of union with my higher self?
How can I continue along on the path of enlightenment without grasping or getting stuck?

7th chakra thoughts: You are in the right place at the right time. Happiness is the journey and there is no final destination. Meditate for sanity, to become a beacon of peace, to cultivate compassion, to surrender stress. Yoga’s effects are more magical and fast-acting than any pill. Meditation is the best medicine. Be. Here. Now. Do one thing at a time with total awareness. Listen fully. Your undivided attention is the most valuable thing you can offer. Your only choice is to live in this present. Accept this gift. Slow down. Enjoy equanimity. Find your balance.

7th chakra poem:
wake up to this alarm

here now
be you
yin yang
pain gain
relax release
you are empowered
realize it.

Practice suggestions:

  1. The element of sahasrara chakra is THOUGHT, so daily meditation is the best practice for balancing the crown center.
  2. Keep a log of your meditations; record the date, time and any desired notes about your meditation sessions.
  3. Headstand!
  4. In any and every upright yoga asana, lift the crown of your head up toward the sky, lengthen the spine and remember your connection with divine universal flow.

Sahasrara music:

What Light by Wilco
You are a Tourist and Unobstructed Views by Death Cab for Cutie
Shanti (Peace Out) by MC Yogi
Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin
Gracias a la Vida by Mercedes Sosa


Crown chakra literature:

Asanas for the Chakra System by Barbara Kaplan Herring
How To Attain Enlightenment Before You Attain Enlightenment by Benjamin Riggs
Autobiography of a Yogi by Parmahansa Yoganada
Start Where You Are by Pema Chodron
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

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