June 18, 2011

Hanuman Monkeys Jumping Everywhere, Bikes, Doggies & Bad Voice Overs!

Hanuman Festival – Day 2 with Kasey Luber

PHOTO: www.carlkerridge.com

Kasey Luber and Waylon Lewis are abandoning their jobs as vlogger and editor (respectfully).  They have now committed to become Monkey Spotters who travel only by bike! If you think Namaste is slightly overrated, just wait until the Hanuman Conference is over. Boulder will have the whole world chanting Jai Hauman faster than you can you can find a micro-brewery in the mountains. Waylon Lewis gets fanned by the Elephant Journalists, Simon Park’s voice sounds strangely like Kasey Luber and jumping monkeys in the name of service and love have taken over….. THE WORLD!

Big Happy Day Videos are sponsored by Be Present. We love them. Receive 10% off any order until June 30th and they will donate 10% to Cure It – an amazing organizing set out to conquer childhood cancer. (use code HANUMAN).


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