July 18, 2011

Carmageddon! It’s Flight vs. Bike.


Wolfpack Hustle! Bicycle vs. Airplane in LA, who wins?

Smile, you’re on a Bike—getting fresh air, free exercise and sunshine.

For years, I’ve raced friends of mine from here to there, me on my bike, them in their car. I usually win, tie, occasionally at worst lose by a few minutes. That the two modes of transport are comparable in time and bikes superior in price, upkeep costs and time, and convenience (valet parking, every time!) seems to always come as a sort of visceral shock to those of us trained to think of the car as a modern marvel, a basic foundation of life.

But these gents raised the bar—they beat a plane.

…the race was meant to show “how feasible cycling is in L.A.,” And, he said, “maybe how ridiculous it is to fly 40 miles.”


Bonus, an old cover of elephant:

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