July 28, 2011

Mr. Toupee Congressman is, unsurprisingly, deceptive; doesn’t appreciate Nature.

GOP’s Rep. Rogers: “If We Take The Senate & White House In 2012, The EPA Will Be ‘Discontinued.”

Bonus points: who created the EPA? That’s right, President…Nixon!

Or, you know you’ve gone far right off the edge of the earth when Nixon makes you look extreme.


…As ThinkProgress has extensively reported, the new Republican Congress, elected with tens of millions in polluter-funded attack ads, campaign contributions, and shadowy front groups, has made weakening environmental safeguards, particularly from the EPA, a top priority. Now, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) is making it even more explicit: if Americans elect more Republicans to office in the 2012 elections, the GOP will get rid of the EPA….for the rest, click here.


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