July 9, 2011

“Elephant is not* a Yoga Blog.”

“It’s motivating to me to be able to bring in more people who are passionate about politics and social activism.” ~Waylon Lewis, speaking about the future of elephant

Modern media today allows us to befriend (and un-friend), have relationships, share, make money, create endless opportunities and creative outlets with billions of people.  We can do all of this without being person to person, face to face and in the flesh.

Several of elephant’s key players (founder, yoga editor, web master) connect several times a day from different parts of the world to keep the machine running, not to mention the hundred or so writers for the online mag who can submit via wordpress at any hour of the day.

See what happens when Waylon Lewis, founder of elephant and Bob Weisenberg, Yoga Editor finally meet in person, ride a a crane together to the top of the climbing wall in the middle of Copper Mountain Village at Mountain Pose Festival and record a live radio show complete with photographer, camera man, mixers, microphones and an elephant tote bag.

The archive for the Where is My Guru show is live. Bob and Waylon come on 30 minutes into the show, but hang out for the beginning when Rachel Sample from Street Yoga shares ther mission of offering children and families a free, portable means of caring for themselves that no one can take away through yoga, meditation and wellness.

Click here to listen to the entire show.

Also – enjoy this fantastic photo story of the show below by photographer, Carl Kerridge.

“Most of the writers that we have have been around for quite a while, they have their own blogs. It is the same for the readers.  They have enjoyed reading about yoga and mindfulness for quite some time.  What makes elephant unique is that we bring these readers and writers together in the same place in such large numbers.  We create forums where they can discuss things among themselves.  To me, that is what makes us special. That is not really happening in too many other places.
~ Bob Weisenberg, elephant’s Yoga editor, on what makes elephant journal different.

Bob Weisenberg: "I'm on top of the World!"

Diversity is what drives elephant yoga in my mind. ~Bob Weisenberg

Dr. Satkirin Khalsa, presenter of Mountain Pose and our totally amazing camera man, Jens!

“Elephant can do a lot more than just offer good content that can effect peoples’ daily lives. Hopefully we can blaze the trail for good journalism in the new media context. Not just for yoga, but for all of our other areas of focus. ”
~Waylon Lewis

Taking a moment to give thanks that we didn't fall off the climbing wall with all our equipment.

“Here is Zen koan for you…. Bob not understanding the questions and me understanding the question (and vice versa) is the exact same thing.”
~ Waylon Lewis

Bob, "Waylon.... I am your father." Waylon lost it.

“The consciousness of a nation is always a mixed bag (talking about the US).  We are putting a larger and larger carbon footprint out there. Overall…[this] the best of times and the worst of times. Hopefully elephant can play a role in communication and media in being a force for peace…daily inner peace and outer peace. We have our work cut out for us.”
~ Waylon Lewis answering a question from an ele reader on consciousness shifting in 2012.

Where is My Guru in action!

“To bring together those working and playing to create an enlightened society.”
~ Waylon Lewis. sharing the mission of elephant journal

The ascent is worth every single step

Big thank you to Mountain Pose Festival, Satkirin Khalsa, Copper Mountain Village, Here Women Talk, Carl Kerridge Photography, Jens Bishop with OSA and SCTV and the guy who drove the crane.

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