Photo: Wikimedia Commons
In light of Steve Job’s resignation I’m moved to share my thoughts from the YoGeek perspective. Well…more the Yo part that the Geek part. 
I was a pretty late convert to Apple and specifically Steve Jobs, or technology as a whole, actually. It really all began when I got an iPod 5G for Christmas in 2005. That was my first introduction to Apple products. Since that time the delight and wonder that I received not only from the hardware, software, eco-system + community has been akin to the way yoga shifted my life and helped me grow into the person that I am today.
I delved into technology with the same desire and love as I practiced my physical yoga practices. Troubleshooting gadgets and software paralleled the depth and care that I approached my aches, pains and injuries. I began to see these as opportunities to recognize what I was truly capable of. I began to mix heart, body and soul not only in my yoga practice but also as I dealt with the tech that I now so dearly loved.
When I research, purchase or interact with gadgets, I see it from an a purely yogic philosophy: Is it effective, efficient, empowering and beautiful?
Is it helping me see more beauty in the world? Is it helping me recognize how every choice matters? Is it a way to connect deeper with my own heart, and therefore others or the exact opposite?
My biggest desire is for Mr. Jobs is to bring all the passion, commitment, one-pointedness, desire, tenacity and LOVE that he has poured in growing Apple and its products into himself. The kind of energy necessary to delve into healing is enormous. It necessitates a kind of “let go” that requires the greatest amount of courage ever faced, which Jobs possesses in spades.
Dear sweet Guru Jobs, I am thankful that you have chosen yourself. May your path to ease you into revitalizing and stabilizing your own heart be full of all the support that you need. May you be given the space and privacy from the world that you so deserve, and may we all as your supporters honor the quiet.
Thank you, Mr. Jobs.
Elsie Escobar has been teaching yoga to global audiences, ranging from 1 to thousands live and via her audio podcast and videos since 2006. Through her work as an Anusara Yoga Inspired™ Instructor and producer of new media content, she has gained unique experiences and insights both in creating passionate online communities and maintaing integrity and honesty in building physical relationships using new media.
Elsie works as a new media producer/creator/developer with a yogic spice helping individuals and companies develop media content with an emphasis on podcasting. Currently she blogs extensively at libsyn/Wizzard Media, the world’s largest podcast hosting network, plus supports podcast producers as part of the Wizzard Media smartphone app team.
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