August 27, 2011

Good: Deadliest Pandemics in History.

GOOD Magazine does it again. With thanks for the tip to Reddit.

Because the planet holds so many more humans than in the past, commenters asked for these pandemics as a percentage of total population. One commenter offered this:

Ordered by the (loose approximation) average number of deaths every day seems a little more interesting than total numbers (if I haven’t made a mess of the calculations (and I’ll delete this post if I have, so don’t respond :)):

  • Spanish Flu = 205,479 per day
  • Third Pandemic = 32,877 per day
  • Tuberculosis = 5,479 per day
  • Hong Kong Flu = 2,740 per day
  • HIV/AIDS = 2,283 per day
  • Malaria = 2,140 per day
  • Black Death = 477 per day
  • Plague of Justinian = 328 per day
  • Measles = 206 per day
  • Yellow Fever = 82 per day
  • Smallpox = 69 per day
  • Cholera = 42 per day
  • Typhus = 4 per day

Would be interesting to see cancer, smoking, skin cancer, breast cancer, car-related deaths listed.

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