September 19, 2011

Nancy Sina­tra Ste­vie Nicks Lykke Li Robyn St. Vincent Feist…meet Lana Del Ray.

What a voice.

Close your eyes. Forgetting what she looks like will help you hear the power & magical sadness in her voice.

Hipster Runoff: “Is Lana Del Rey the next overrated, marginally talented but TOTALLY HOT female in indie?”


Swinging in the backyard
Pull up in your fast car
Whistling my name

Open up a beer
And you take it over here
And play a video game

I’m in his favorite sun dress
Watching me get undressed
Take that body downtown

I say you the bestest


She makes me want to walk in a hungover daze and look at the birds fly and, listless, breathe full fresh air and swim in sixties’ retro trunks and read a bad tattered paperback novel and get too much sun and complain about the humidity and remember good old days ruefully “they’re all gone” and read the Times, the ink on my fingertips and run my black panda licorice-sticky fingers through her sandy brown hair and miss my childhood some more and call my mom and fall asleep and…let go.

“i heard that you like the bad girls, honey, is that true?”

Close your eyes, or click away from this screen first time you listen:


Not knowing what she looks like will help you hear the power and magical sadness in her voice:



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