September 12, 2011

9/11/11: Ten videos worth watching.

A round-up of today’s most moving moments: Presidents Bush, Clinton (eloquent), Obama; Paul Simon’s sounds of silence; children sing Empire State of Mind…and an epic anthem.

Let this anniversary be about sadness, remembrance, heroism, empathy, community & Love—not Gitmo, TSA, Patriot Act, war or civilian deaths wherever they happen. ~ ed.

NY Times:

Unlike Mr. Obama, Mr. Bush drew a cheer from those who remembered him shouting through a bullhorn atop the smoldering rubble.

…[Obama] opposed the Iraq war and is pulling troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan but has notched up a record as a lethal, relentless hunter of terrorists.

He is a president who banned torture in the interrogation of suspected terrorists and pledged — unsuccessfully, so far — to close the military prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, but carried out more drone strikes in Pakistan in his first year in office than Mr. Bush did in his eight years.

…killed more officials of Al Qaeda in the last two and a half years than were eliminated during the entire Bush administration…

“Our strength is not measured in our ability to stay in [Afghanistan, Iraq],” Mr. Obama declared. “It comes from our commitment to leave those lands to free people and sovereign states, and our desire to move from a decade of war to a future of peace.”

Two Paul Simon 9/11 songs, 10 years apart.

Paul Simon sang “Sound of Silence” at Ground Zero—some call it the most powerful, heartbreaking extended moment of today’s 9/11 memorial.

Speechless. Silent. Enjoy, as it were:

Another copy:

Paul Simon, America’s Folk Soul, offers a deeply moving and atmospheric rendering of his signature tune “Sound of Silence,” on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 outrage on New York City and the Twin Towers where over 3000 souls were lost. The Live performance was delivered from Ground Zero.


He was also among the first to perform after 9/11, 10 years ago.





More powerful moments from today: President Obama’s speech:


President Clinton’s speech:



President Bush’s speech:



America, football, huge flag, epic anthem? USA is always epic:


One international perspective:


An ABC video:



Finally, it’s a commercial, but not commercialized. Well done.

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