My car is being systematically destroyed by Fruit Roll Ups. Please don’t judge me. Yes, I give my son Fruit Roll Ups because he won’t eat fresh fruit and I have convinced myself that somehow this dried, flattened, sweetened, version of fruit has nutritious value.
I can tell you definitively that Fruit Roll Ups and leather do not mix. I tried the wet-vac, leather cleaner, and Armor All. Nothing worked.
However, I discovered lost toys, earrings, DVD’s that haven’t been watched in two years, and a ripped and tattered map. I have a GPS so I think I can safely let go of the outdated map.
I also think I need to revisit the “food in the car” rule.
You spend lots of time in your car so keeping it tidy is important. Do you have to apologize when you give someone a ride? If you enter your car and it is a cluttered mess it will zap your energy. Clean it out and get the oil changed and tires ready for winter.
Feng Shui tip: Park your car facing away from your home. If your car is directed toward your house it creates and energy called Sha Chi (an attacking energy)
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Other pieces by Marylee: American Mom, The Princess Of Garbage Day, Sing Out, Clara, and Letter From A Bully.
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