October 28, 2011

What both Occupy Wall Street protesters & Tea Party members are upset about.

Obama, on Leno, compares Tea Party to Occupy.

A wise, sweet friend of mine recently objected to Obama’s comment on the Tonight Show re the Tea Party and Occupy.

Here’s the video.

Here’s her objection, which I sympathize with:

“I was watching President Obama on Jay Leno and when he was asked about Occupy Wall Street – he said [and I paraphrase ] “well aw shucks Jay ya know folks are upset and things are tough and when it is like this you get the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street…”

Did the President really just compare Occupy Wall Street to the Tea Party? Wow…if he really believes that…I believe, Mr. President, that you are surely underestimating and misunderstanding this.”

Here’s my response:

Many 99 percenters have said that same point…that the 99 percent includes the Tea Partiers, that everyone is upset…just that we all blame diff things—government, corporations. Interestingly, I think most of the problems with our gov’t stem from the influence of money, lobbyists…you know, corporations.

I think our president holds the center, always, trying to find what unites us, instead of divides. I know that can be frustrating and ineffective against the conservatives, who are in it to win it…but we are all in this together, at the end of the day, and he promised to try and change the culture of Washington, not win partisan battles. I’m supporting him in that.

Later, my friend and other friends of hers and I all came gently and friendly-like to the same page. My friend closed by sharing this, from another one of our pals:

How do you view all this?

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