November 15, 2011

Occupy Wall Street forcibly ended—but force can’t end this.

^ NY Times page one.

Occupy Wall Street is Dead. Long live Occupy Wall Street!

Click here for video of the police action last night.

In Britain, when the Queen passes away, the cry goes out: The Queen is Dead! Long Live the Queen! In that spirit, Occupy is not a place. It can not be killed, unless we all sit back down. As Bill Moyers urged us:

“I don’t think Occupy Wall Street will have the influence they want unless they do what the tea party did and take over the nominating process. Unless they do, they will never have the satisfaction that they want and that the civil rights movement, say, had back in the 1950s and ’60s.”

Force won’t end Occupy Wall Street: only equity will.

Last night, police forcibly cleared Zucotti Park, ending—for now—a nearly two-month occupation in service of the greater good, bringing awareness to unprecedented corporate greed and corruption and inequity in these United States of America that we love so dearly.

From the NY Times, which has had this on the front page since last night (don’t lump them in with complaints about media censorship, please):

Overnight, hundreds of New York City police officers cleared Zuccotti Park of the Occupy Wall Street protesters and arrested dozens of people, forcing the two-month-old protest that had spawned a movement into a new and uncertain phase. As of 11 a.m., the protesters were trying to retake the park, and had also occupied a lot owned by Trinity Church a mile north, at Canal Street.

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at livestream.com


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