December 23, 2011

7 Steps to Manifest your Intention ~ Chandresh Bhardwaj

Be it a child who wants to get that new game in the market; a teenager who wants to look great among her friends; a young wall street ambitious soul who wants to reach the zenith of his career; or a 70 year who old wants to fight off her disease—be it anything. The bottom line remains the same in all cases: everything starts with the power of intention. It doesn’t matter if your task is big or small—you have an intent to begin it.  Most people misinterpret intention with strong willpower. In reality, intention is far beyond that. A person with strong willpower holds the vigor to accomplish goals, but a person with right intention holds the energy to collaborate with the entire universe on his goals.

The question is “How do I start?”  Let’s go through a simple process which requires a week of dedication, but if correctly done, can tempt you in practicing your power of intention forever and ever!  Here is our plan for the week:

Mindfulness Monday: Monday is a symbol of new start. Let’s use this Monday to create your intent with mindfulness.  The only condition on intention is that it should come from your heart. As mentioned by Upanishads, “Even as fire finds peace in its resting place without fuel, when thoughts become silent; the soul finds peace in its own source. When the mind is silent, then it can enter into a world which is far beyond the mind: the highest End.” Let this be a no-mind and no-effort process. Your best will come out when you are one-on-one with the peace in your inner Self. 

Choose Tuesday: No matter what, we always have a choice in life. Choose Tuesday to design the right plan for your intent. The success of your intention will depend upon the choices you make for this plan. As put by Deepak Chopra, “You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.” Choose the plan that leads to goal achieving rather than wishful thinking. 

Wisdom Wednesday: Nothing is accomplished without a solid dose of wisdom to it. And wisdom here does not mean applying brainpower or thinking. Rather it means to involve your consciousness in it. The information from the consciousness field always outshines the information picked up from secondary sources such as books, the Internet, hearsay, etc. Surrender to wisdom and trust it fully. It never fails!

Action Thursday: Action, or better stated as karma, breathes life into your intention.  All the steps above are meaningless if we do not act upon them. Don’t let fear of failure or thrill of success sidetrack you from the right action. Put your whole being into your work and the results will be fruitful. Our actions separate us from who we are and what we can be!

Transformational Friday:  Assuming the previous steps are happily in sync with each other, transformation is bound to happen. This transformation will not be just another change in your Being. Changes are shallow and temporary—transformations are a much deeper phenomenon. Don’t aim for a change; aim for a restructuring of your soul.  

Love and Peace Saturday:  As Deepak Chopra puts it, “Love without action is meaningless and action without love is irrelevant.” Regardless of what we do, we must ensure that the outcome of our action is love and peace. If your actions are driven by money, fame or a need to satisfy, then be prepared; your “success” will be very short lived. Secure your intent with love and pace!

Thankfulness Sunday: Conclude the week with a thankful heart. When we take a moment to appreciate occurrences in our life, the blessing of it multiplies! You do not need to only be thankful for massive achievements. Start with small pleasures in life— the smile of your child, the sunny morning, your recovery from a recent illness. When you start the process, countless reasons to be thankful will arise!


The above steps will definitely start you on the lifelong journey of intentions creating reality. Once, within the week, you master your short term goals, start the long term ones. When you hold the key to your consciousness, you become the maestro of your life. Have a happy intent week!


As Founder of the self-discovery center Break The Norms, Chandresh is one of the youngest inspirational New Age teachers of our time. Pursuing initiatives as a life coach, spiritual healer, and friend, his work emphasizes techniques in Eastern Science Healing and Transformation. Sought from people all over the world, his guidance allows for a uncorrupted and honest approach towards spirituality. Primarily, Chandresh conducts programs at Break the Norms to transcend the mind, body, and soul in heightened awareness, serving clients in the USA, India, England and Canada. He also acts as a teacher and mentor in the Chamunda Swami Center of Healing and as the Founder of Spiritual Vidya. As a published writer, Chandresh provokes the spiritual dialogue in themes such as meditation, repressed emotions, power thoughts and tantra. Presently, he contributes to Tathaastu, Natural Awakening, Intent Voice, Hug Yoga, and Elephant Journal. Moreover, Chandresh is a featured guest on Karma Manta’s Spiritual Labs video series on self-growth and wellness.  To read more on Chandresh, visit www.BreakTheNorms.com


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