December 28, 2011

Did you know? 25% of the pollution in LA is from China.

China: Mordor.

Did you know? 25% of the pollution in LA is from China.

“It’s transferred by two methods: global diffusion (they are the #1 producer of a number of pollutants, and thus much pollution around the entire planet can be traced directly back to Chinese factories) and by being carried on the prevailing winds, which go generally East from mainland China. What’s scary is that this figure is in spite of the diffusion which does occur along the way.”

“The wind pretty much always blows west to east. So load some instruments on an airplane (or ship) and head out over the ocean. Whatever’s there, it didn’t come from LA. So where did it come from?” <> Reddit.

Have you seen? This photo of a take off from Australia, and a landing in China.

“Took off from Australia. Landed in China.”

Comment re the above: “I’ve lived in China for a while now and I’ve basically realized that they sold the sun to increase GDP.” And, “This is what happens without strict regulations. If the EPA gets defunded, as some politicians want, this is what the US can look forward to.” And, “No kidding, if I ever had to go to China I wouldn’t go outside without one of these on…”

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