December 7, 2011

Use Acupuncture to Improve Your Overall Well-Being. ~ Louise Haker

Ian Lucero

The use of acupuncture can improve physical, mental, and emotional health and overall well-being while relieving I4 and I5 back pain and epidural side effects back pain.

Acupuncture for back pain:

If you want to know how to get rid of back pain, acupuncture is one method that can not only relieve your pain but also reduce stress and improve your well-being. Acupuncture is actually an alternative type of medication, which requires the use of thin needles to be placed in the body.

These needles are practically painless. Many people look to acupuncture as a method of treatment for various different conditions, which includes treating medical conditions and diseases as well as relieving pain from the body. Acupuncture has been used to treat lower back pain for hundreds of years.

The sterilized needles are inserted gently through the skin and are used on the pressure points to help stimulate tissue inside the body. When the tissue becomes stimulated, internal healing will take place. The patient will likely feel a tingling sensation or numbing when the needles are first inserted but most people who have had acupuncture performed say that it is not very painful at all.

How will acupuncture improve my overall well-being?

Acupuncture is a much more natural way to relieve pain in general.If you are someone who suffers from l4 and l5 back pain or other forms of pain on the body, acupuncture can be quite beneficial. The reason why acupuncture has the ability to improve the well-being of an individual is because this treatment method does multiple things at once.

When acupuncture is performed correctly, tension and stress will be released and the individual will no longer feel a buildup of stress and anxiety. While releasing stress and tension from the body, pain is also reduced. People who suffer from chronic conditions that tend to cause back pain or other pain on the body like l5 back pain, would definitely benefit from acupuncture because it will help them relieve that chronic pain and prevent them from having to depend on painkillers as a form of pain relief. Acupuncture is good for the body as well as the mind because it helps individuals to meditate and relax.

Megan Mallen

Is acupuncture right for me?

To find out the answer to this question, you should ask yourself a few questions:

  1.  Do you suffer from back pain on a regular basis?
  2.  Do you feel stressed and anxious a lot?
  3.  Are you currently dealing with a chronic back pain condition that causes you pain and also makes you stress out?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, acupuncture is right for you. Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and is a proven method of treating physical, mental, and emotional conditions. After just one acupuncture session, you may feel much needed pain relief as well as stress relief.

With continued acupuncture treatments, it is possible to even cure your back pain completely and remove most if not all stress from your daily life. It is important that you take proper care of yourself so that you can ultimately feel good mentally, physically and emotionally.


Louise Haker is married with two children and three grand-children and lives in Israel. She adores her family and would do anything for them. For 27 years she suffered back-pains due to five car accidents. Two years ago she decided to quit her high salary sales-manager job and decided to work from home and do something to fulfill her dreams. For now, she enjoys doing SEO and affiliate marketing. She just launched her own site http://www.whatisbackpain.info, which is as you might guess is about back-pain. She decided to have this site in order to help herself and all of her friends by her experience.




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