Blood Builder Juice
It’s time for Popeye to step-aside and set down his old can of spinach, beets are in the house! Sorry to burst your bubble sailor man, but beet greens actually have a higher iron content than spinach greens do. This high iron content regenerates red blood cells helping them to supply greater quantities of fresh oxygen to the body…however beet greens do tend to be much more bitter in taste then spinach leaves. It’s for this reason that I juice my beets and their greens, adding in a bit of ginger to cut the tartness but keep all the healthy blood building benefits. I don’t want y’all to feel like I’m bashing spinach here, because I LOVE SPINACH and actually put a large handful in this juice, but more so I’m trying to highlight the blood building greatness of beets and beet greens.
Both beet roots and beet greens are also powerful cleansers (note to all you Hiking Yogi’s cleansing with me right now!) They are high in vitamins A, B2, B6 and C and are also an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorous and sodium.
Lastly, If you haven’t already skipped ahead to the recipe, I want to point out that my green straw pictured above is actually GREEN! What I mean by that is, it’s compostable. If you use straws or other accoutrements when cooking/serving, try to consider our environment and the amount of waste you’re producing! Ahimsa, baby. All the time.
- 1 medium red beet with greens
- 4-6 carrots
- large hunk of ginger (size of your thumbnail)
- small bunch of spinach
- Juice.
- Drink.
- Love.
For your viewing pleasure…!!
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