February 22, 2012

10 Things You’ll Never Hear at Lululemon. ~ Mallory Ortberg

Hot tip! A fun article via our friends at Ecosalon.

Excerpt, then jump over there:

…Where wicking and Objectivism collide.

What’s not to love about a company that manages to combine subliminal messaging with a strong social message? Here, in no particular order, are a series of statements you’re unlikely to overhear at everyone’s favorite purveyor of hundred-dollar hoodies.

“Yes, but do I need a separate sweat-wicking infinity scarf for jogging and Zumba?”

“What a coincidence! Atlas Shrugged inspired me to take up yoga, too. Did you know that “namaste” is the Sanskrit word for Objectivism?”…

…Read the rest at ecosalon.com.

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