February 4, 2012

My response to Yogadork’s various comments at XX & elephant, today.

For context, click here or here. Or, don’t…and go practice.

Tempest, meet Teapot.

From a friend: “Yikes! Touchy RT from Yogadork!”

My reply: “Wow. I DMed and emailed her, said I did like her and her writing and just disagreed, but have been defending her in comments that say YD is being salacious. We’ve given up ka-thousands of views today on this, she didn’t, she knows what she’s doing.”


Dear Yogadork,

Again, for the sixth time today, literally, I respect your decision to publish the accusations.

I love your writing and like you, to the limited extent I know you.

While much of what is found on that site may be true, or may not be, it was my gut decision to hold back until there were sources for these accusations that very well could hurt real, not virtual, human beings and their families. I have defended your decision to publish the accusations all day, in public and in private. We are allowed to have different opinions on such matters. As for featuring our non-comments on our home page, all new articles go on our home page. We made a very real, and from a business point of view regrettable decision to give up our job as a news site and allow others, yourself in this case, to break the news. XXX, which you also take an uncalled for potshot at above, also chose not to publish the accusations, and also gave up 10s of 1000s of readers in the process.

In the end, this is about union. We can respect our differences and not insult one another even as we do so. I sent readers your way not out of snideness or condescension, but because you had reported the rumors, and we hadn’t. We will cover this when we know more. Until then, enjoy riding that edge—I’ve been there many times before and know that it’s exhilarating and painful. I do respect and like you and am sorry to have seen your insulting message on twitter, and now this.

Good bye for now.

Yours in creating enlightened society,


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