On the mat
Expecting bliss
As I tend to do once in a while
Instead she comes in
And it becomes a battle of egos
She and I
Teachers, facing off
Although perhaps I was the only one who knew it
Rolling my eyes as she taught
Too quickly, too jubilantly, with face turned away from us
Instead of quietly rolling up my mat
And leaving the situation
I stayed, embarrassed that I would judge her in this way
I stayed, embarrassed that I might be judged if I left
Weak, unable
So I stayed
I began ujjayi
I moved with the rhythm of my breath, not the voice of the
instructorI left it outside
I became my teacher
Building heat, churning prana
and seeking the light.
My Ego quietly shut her eyes once again, sleeping quietly
Allowing my Wisest Self to take her rightful place
on the mat.
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