February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Chrysler commercial. Nearly made me cry!

Update: This is what we do. Just realized that lines, shots, Imported from Detroit slogan are carried over from last year’s Eminem Motor City comeback ad.

It’s half-time in America.

Sure, it’s just a commercial by a major corporation. And I’m all for questioning major corporations, always.

But if you know the story of Detroit, you know what this commercial alludes to is a pretty effing real situation and the rescue of the auto industry there is a huge accomplishment that was enacted by our President despite opposition and weak support and has resulted in a lot of real meals on real tables of real middle class families.

And I love this country, when our pride is sad and knowing, and we’re resolute in our nobility.

It seems we’ve lost our heart at times. Detroit knows something about this. We’re all scared, because this isn’t a game.

If this were advertising, typically, the world would be a less crass, more together place. That’s what we do. We find a way through the tough times, and if we can’t find a way, we make one. Thanks Clint, thanks Detroit.

How do we come together. It can be done.

And as someone on FB mentioned, this could be a big thank you from Detroit to President Obama, practically a campaign ad against Mitt (Let them go out of business, he actually said that) Romney.

The shot of ruined buildings in Detroit. The shot of shouting talking heads on TV. Anger, discord.

Love the tagline: Imported from Detroit.

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