April 17, 2012

Facebook, Apple, Comcast, China, Saudi Arabia & Iran vs. an Open & Free Internet.

Do you support an open & equal-access internet? Because it’s endangered.

Netflix’s CEO calls out Comcast for creating an illegal, tiered system of access to the internet:

“Comcast no longer following net neutrality principles,” Hastings wrote on his personal Facebook page. “Comcast should apply caps equally, or not at all.”

“For example, if I watch last night’s SNL episode on my Xbox through the Hulu app, it eats up about one gigabyte of my cap, but if I watch that same episode through the Xfinity Xbox app, it doesn’t use up my cap at all,” Hastings explained.

“The same device, the same IP address, the same wifi, the same internet connection, but totally different cap treatment,” he added. “In what way is this neutral?”

While the dispute between content delivery networks may appear relatively minor to some, it is actually indicative of a broader fight over the free and open Internet. The brewing dispute between cable providers and Netflix, along with many bandwidth intensive services, is leading to a “Balkanization” of the Internet, according to Google co-founder Sergey Brin….

click here for the rest at Raw Story.

And, Sergey Brin of Google calls out Apple, Facebook…and Iran, China, and other governments who would suppress the use of the internet by We the People.

“There are very powerful forces that have lined up against the open Internet on all sides and around the world,” Brin was quoted as saying. “I am more worried than I have been in the past. It’s scary.”

Of course, Google (along with Bing, Yahoo, Apple) has itself allied with China, and other governments in the past, to allow censorship of such words, ironically, as “freedom” and “independence.”


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