April 12, 2012

Big, Colorful, & Really Fun to Browse.

“Pinterest is fun, Pinterest is hot.
You should be on Pinterest.
You should be, if you’re not.”
–Dr. Suess

Elephant Makes a Big Splash on Pinterest.

The best from four years of elephant online
starts to come alive.

For over a year now I’ve had the dream of making the best elephant articles from the past easily accessible and browsable.  I love the elephant site, of course, but I don’t love the way all the wonderful writing from the past gets buried daily by all the great new stuff coming in.

Shouldn’t it be possible to have both, I asked myself, a dynamic current flow of new articles AND an exciting, browsable collection of  of all the best from the past four years of online elephant?

Enter Pinterest.  On a whim I just started playing around with it one day, and before you know it, my dream was coming true in front of my very eyes.  It was so easy to do.  I decided, now joined by Sheri McCord, to work though all 18,000 elephant posts from its online beginnings, and pick out the best of elephant for all to browse and see.

I decided to start calling it an “online coffee table book” because it’s big, colorful, and fun to browse.

I have no idea what it all means yet, but almost all of the 18 individual “best of elephant” boards on Pinterest have over 1000 followers already.  Thanks to Sheri, who has taken on the fun job of selecting all best articles to post, we’ve now completed the first two and a half years of elephant online completed, up through March 2010.

Meanwhile, elephant managing editor Kate Bartolotta has created a similar Pinterest page for current elephant articles.  The person who showed me the potential of Pinterest in the first place was  Jennifer Cusano, who created a board for Gita Talk on her Pinterest page and was surprised by how popular it was right away.

Lori Lothian, elephant love editor, has started a new elephant love Pinterest page for current articles.

Andrea Balt, elephant culture editor, has an elephant culture board and other elephant boards on her Pinterest page.  (I’m sure there are other early adopters I should be mentioning here, too.  Tell us about it in the comments.)

I also discovered Pinterest was great for another long-time dream–to create a browsable photo gallery of elephant writers.  So I just included that on the best of elephant page.  (I’ve still got a few more writers to add, in case you are a regular and don’t see yourself there yet.)

Based on this early enthusiasm I would encourage everyone to spread the word about best of elephant and our other Pinterest pages, and for you to routinely pin your favorite articles and build your own follower base.

What are your thoughts about Pinterest?

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Bob Weisenberg  |  Contribution: 120,600