April 1, 2012

On the Anniversary of Chogyam Trungpa’s death, here’s a video & exclusive written tribute by his son, Gesar Mukpo.

Tribute to Chogyam Trungpa by his son Gesar Mukpo, on the 25th (now 27th) Anniversary (Parinirvana) of his death.


Since my father Chögyam Trungpa passed away twenty-five years ago, a generation has grown up exposed to his teachings but having never met him.

They have come to know him though forming their own profound connections with his mind and understanding of his teachings in a way that is both relevant to their own experiences in life as well as important for the continuity of the wisdom he presented.

It is in the hands of these young men and women to perpetuate this message of honoring the basic goodness that is within all of us and to create enlightened society in whatever way makes sense for them.

I am thankful of and inspired by their connection.

I can not believe how many different takes people have on my father’s wishes. To those of you with strong opinions on what Trungpa Rinpoche wanted, if he came back he probably would just kick your ass immediately and spend no time at all listening to your personal trip. I can confirm this, because I’ve thought about it and that’s how it would play out with me!

His magnetic personality is hard to shake whether you met him or discovered him, and his fluid way of moving between modalities of interaction is endlessly fascinating as we examine what make we ourselves tick.

Watching his talks, I always look forward to the question and answers and seeing him deftly redirect and identify the hidden motivation behind people’s questions. Somewhere in some recess of my mind he is in a realm of endless Q&A hilarity.

I’ve always imagined my father wanted to die on April 1st…but that he just showed up late, as he was known to do on a few occasions (always). For me as in how he operated in life, his impact seems to come after years of waiting; in the end as you probably already know it was as it always had been, well worth the wait.

I hope you enjoy my video offering, and I thank you for taking the time to remember my father and honor his life work on the 25th anniversary of his passing.

~ Gesar Mukpo


Text from the video:

Tribute to my father Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche on the 25th anniversary of his parinirvana.

All media used under fair use for educational purposes.

Apparat – You Don’t Know Me
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Footage from:
Fried Shoes Cooked Diamonds directed by Costanzo Allione
Vivian Kurtz home movies.
Naropa Seminar 1974 © Shambhala Media

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