May 7, 2012

Beastie Boys: MCA Adam Yauch on the Only Way Change is going to Come About.

Beastie Boys: MCA Adam Yauch on Non-Violence.

Adam Yauch, on the solution to Terrorism. [Plus, best Beastie Boys retrospective]

The solution to violence ain’t retaliation:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvZJMf0rkCk&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JynqKfjdHHU&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfjdUiHxriw&feature=relmfu

On Conan:


From text on the Tibetan Freedom video:

Click here for more Tibet videos http://www.youtube.com/TibetArchive The Beastie Boys perform live at the 1999 Tibetan Freedom Concert. 1999 © Home Box Office. It is not hard to understand why Adam found inspiration in Milarepa.
It is an understatement to say that Adam Yauch changed all of our lives because he changed us so completely–through his music, his activism, and his friendship. Because his presence in our lives was so large, so shall be his absence. And also his legacy.
I find myself now remembering above everything else his tireless work for nonviolence & Tibet, of course, but also his amazing sense of humor. Those of us who were fortunate enough to work with him have likely never worked so hard nor laughed so much as we did when we were in his presence.
Yauch also changed what it meant to be an artist-activist. I admit that when I met him, I was skeptical of him and his interest in my work (I was a human rights activist studying & living with Tibetans in Nepal; he was the guy that sang “Fight For Your Right to Party”). But I quickly realized that he was an artist and an activist in the deepest sense of the words.
Himself a spiritual seeker, Adam turned his musical genius into a force for social and political justice. Taking on the biggest colonial empire on the planet, he became a fierce advocate of Tibetan freedom.
News link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tenzin-dorjee/adam-yauch-tibet_b_1480873.html?r…
Acting upon his belief that change in Tibet can only come through public awareness and grassroots pressure, he reached out to the greatest musicians of the era. He then set about organizing a series of mega concerts in North America, Europe and Asia that came to be known as the Tibetan Freedom Concerts. It was these concerts from 1996 to 2001, attended by hundreds of thousands, and the grassroots awareness they created, that eventually transformed the Tibetan cause from an obscure, fringe issue into a defining political movement of our time.
Adam supported numerous Tibetan projects, most visibly Students for a Free Tibet (SFT). The Milarepa Fund, founded by Adam, was one of the three organizations that helped birth SFT in 1994, as an answer to the rapidly growing youth interest in Tibet. Today SFT is one of the leading organizations in the movement.


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