May 9, 2012

The Real Hunger Games is Being Voted on this Week.


Two million people may not make the cut after this week; they will have to go hungry.

The House is voting to cut $36 billion to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps).

In addition to the two million who would lose their benefits altogether, another 44 million would experience a reduction in benefits and another 280,000 children would lose their school lunch benefits.


Can someone explain to me why in a nation with the greatest resources on the planet, we are about to choose to let several million of our brothers and sisters go hungry?

 Can someone explain to me why we allow this statistic to be true instead of just a horrible futuristic movie scenario?

Tell Congress we don’t want The Hunger Games for our children.

Visit SNAP hunger to learn more—and how you can stop the Capitol from winning. #REALhungergames

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