June 6, 2012

Five Natural Ways to Reduce the Stress of Divorce. ~ Dr. Edward Lamadrid

Holistic Tips for Reducing Stress.

Everybody experiences stress at one time or another—it’s a natural human reaction to difficult circumstances. However, during emotionally-tolling events like divorce, stress can become consuming and have a largely negative impact on our health. To help reduce stress during such a difficult time, one can turn to natural ways to help curb this negative energy.

Divorce is almost always a stressful event for everyone involved . However, we humans are resilient creatures designed to bounce back from traumatic situations. To help overcome the negative symptoms that accompanies stress, it’s important to learn how to utilize coping mechanisms.

Five tips for naturally managing stress during divorce:

Meditation and Relaxation Techniques: Meditation has been around for thousands of years. These days, it’s commonly used for stress reduction and relaxation. Not only does meditation provide a sense of calm and peace, it benefits your emotional well-being throughout the day. It gives you a chance to refocus and clear your mind, which is essential during times of stress.

Get Enough Sleep: While it may seem impossible to get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep per night, taking time to let your mind unwind each night is vital. Since stress can trigger insomnia, try and enhance the sleep you do get by turning off the TV and going to bed at a reasonable hour. Natural supplements like melatonin can also help.

Stick to a Healthy Diet: While comfort foods such as a pint of ice cream or bag of potato chips may make you feel better in the short-term, healthy stress-fighting foods can actually lower stress levels. Omega-3’s fatty acids found in foods such as salmon, almonds and avocado help brain cells to handle stress more effectively and if you must treat yourself to a sweet, stick with a small piece of dark chocolate.

Work Up a Sweat: Everyone knows exercise is important to physical health but it also plays a vital role in your mental well-being. During exercise, the pleasure center in the brain is stimulated which releases feel-good endorphins, even 20 minutes of exercise a few times a week can make a significant difference in how stress is handled.

Try Acupuncture: An integral part of traditional Chinese medicine for over 5000 years, scientific studies have shown that acupuncture is helpful in promoting blood flow throughout the body as well as encouraging relaxation. The use of acupuncture on specific pressure points helps to release the built up tension and energy that occurs during times of intense stress.

Dr. Edward Lamadrid is a doctor of acupuncture and oriental medicine (DAOM) and the founder of Integrative Health Studio in downtown Chicago. Dr. Lamadrid is a pioneer who has devoted over three decades to studying all forms of complementary and alternative medicine. He is one of approximately one hundred DAOMs in the country. His practice is located in downtown Chicago. He is also the campus director and professor at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.


Editor: Mel Squarey

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