July 27, 2012

Health & Wellness is Bad for You. Just ask Charles Bukowski.

“Live your life so well that death will tremble to take you.” ~ Charles Bukowski

We blog a lot about Health & Wellness. Well Fear of Death is the worst thing for us. So here’s Bukowski.

Health & Wellness. Sure, taking care of ourself is good for us. Naturally. Health & Wellness: it’s one of elephant’s prime areas of focus.

But relaxing, enjoying life, embracing our “shadow,” as New Agey types call “real life”…that’s good for our souls, too. You think Blues players read books about positivity? Fuck you.

Health & Wellness, meet Charles Bukowski, one of the most degraded human beings ever to exist.

Whores and alcohol and cigarettes instead of oxygen. Health & Wellness? We’ll call it even.



From a Buddhist point of view, an obsession with staying young is counter-productive.

We’re gonna die. Enjoy life. Serve others. Be of benefit. That’ll keep you inspired and young forever. Buddhism talks about the font of ever-youthful energy. You can’t buy that good stuff in a pharmacy. You won’t find it in a $100 bottle of moisturizer. So love your wrinkles—they’re hot, if you accept them.

Still, Health & Wellness is, doh, important. Eat real food. Do away with parabens and GMOs and poison (pesticides). Exercise. Laugh. Dance. Do nothing, occasionally.

As the Buddha would remind us, it’s all about Middle way.

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