July 3, 2012

Lovin’ on Mulha Bandha. ~ Sue Fuller

When activated, mulha bandha, also known as the root lock, seals prana (vital life force) inside the body, helping to energize and balance muladhara (the root chakra), warm and heat the body and increase vitality.

Mulha bandha also helps to strengthen the deep muscles of the inner core, provides support for the internal organs and helps stabilize the pelvis and lower back allowing you to move deeply into postures while relaxing other muscles and encouraging grounding. There are many other benefits one can gain from mulha bandha that vary from person to person.

Muladhara Chakra.

Muladhara is the charka located at the base of the spine. Connecting with it encourages grounding and strengthens our connection to and with the Earth. The Earth is inside of us and we are a part of it. Muladhara also relates to our basic instinct of survival. So by sealing pranic energy around this chakra with mulha bandha we are able to connect deeply with muladhara and experience a deep sense of grounding and connection to Mother Earth which can be extremely empowering.

Discovering your Mulha Bandha.

Mulha bandha in itself is a complete journey into self-discovery and personal realization; it can take years to master and the experiences provided from activating mulha bandha are ever changing. However, when it comes to mulha bandha it should always be viewed energetically. If we simply focus on the physical location of this lock, we run the risk of becoming further detached from it. Also, maintaining an energetic perspective helps us to find this lock during times of physical or emotional change. Experiences of mulha bandha change immensely during and after pregnancy, or when illness strikes.

I have spent years activating my mulha bandha, but just recently I have experienced a deeper connection with it, and my mulha bandha has taken me to a different level.

I am able to move deeper into postures when I activate mulha bandha, it provides a focus helping me to internalize my thoughts during my practice and, after having two children, I am able to soften other muscles and reconnect to my deeper inner core muscles. Mulha bandha has brought to me stability, inner strength and a sense of grounding.

How to locate your mulha bandha:

•Sit in sukhasana (easy crossed legs) or padmasana ( lotus) and start by drawing up the pelvic floor muscles. To locate your pelvic floor, imagine that you are passing water and then try to stop the flow. The muscles that you use to stop the flow are the pelvic floor muscles.

•Sit in sukhasana or padmasana and draw up the pelvic floor, then the perineum and then perform a slight contraction of the anus. Practice these three contractions regularly and they will completely seal the lower areas and prevent prana from leaving the body.

•Sit in sukhasna or padmasana and activate the three areas as above, once all muscles have been activated picture the highest internal point of these muscles and continue to activate and draw up this area while relaxing the external muscles. For women the highest point should be your cervix and for men an internal point above your perineum.

Having located and activated mulha bandha, it is important to use this lock regularly and to become aware of all the sensations that are experienced as this will help you understand and utilize its power. During times of change try to remember your mulha bandha and activate it regularly as it could help provide balance and security enabling you to embrace the changes when they present themselves to you.

Learn to love your mulha bandha as it holds life changing potential that only you can unlock.



Sue is the co-founder of Wellbeing World Online an online store that retails audio classes (CD’s and MP3’s) in yoga, pilates, sound healing, meditation, relaxation and much more. She is the creator of the Yoga 2 Hear range of audio yoga classes. Sue’s style of teaching makes yoga accessible to everyone. A love of teaching and watching her students improve their levels of health and vitality inspired Sue to produce the ever growing Yoga 2 Hear range which features classes suitable for all levels of ability, mobility and experience.

Sue has been teaching both hatha and Sivananda yoga for over 15 years. She trained with the Sivananda organization in Neyyar Dam, India and has since continued her studies while teaching yoga classes and workshops in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Thailand.

Sue is the resident yoga expert at Natural Health magazine and is the author of three British School of Yoga training courses including “The Pre and Post Natal Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course” and “The Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course”.

“Yoga is always a part of my life, it has proved to be beneficial on every level from travelling to parenting and practicing to teaching, there is not one area of my life that yoga has not filtered into. I love being able to share the gift of yoga with others.”


Editor: Thaddeus Haas

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