“If life hands you a lemon say ‘Oh yeah, I like lemons. What else you got?'” ~ Henry Rollins
I’ve never gotten the whole “life giving you lemons” analogy.
Lemons are awesome!
A friend asked me why I go through a whole bag of lemons most weeks. Here’s why:
1. Start your day with water and lemon for an instant healthy energizer.
2. Put a leftover piece of lemon in your garbage disposal to freshen it up.
3. Cheap and natural fruit and veggie wash: one tablespoon lemon juice, one tablespoon white vinegar and one cup of water in a spray bottle.
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4. Add a squeeze of lemon to the water when you are cooking rice. It keeps it from sticking and adds a small amount of flavor.
5. Natural highlights! Put a little lemon juice in your hair before you go out in the sun.
6. Throw a few handfuls of Romaine, half a pear and the juice of one lemon in the blender. Green Lemonade!
7. Dip half a lemon in salt and use to scrub brass or silver (and polish up your sink).
8. Lemon Bars:
9. Clear out a phlegmy cold with half a lemon, some fresh ginger, honey and hot water.
10. Clean a wooden cutting board: sprinkle it with coarse salt and then rub down with the lemon and rinse.
11. Make fruits and veggies last longer. Squeeze a little lemon juice on greens and any fruit that’s been sliced to keep it from oxidizing.
12. Keep ants (and other bugs) away. A little lemon juice and water around doorways can keep them away and doesn’t make you (or your pets) sick.
13. Add a teaspoon of lemon zest to pretty much anything you bake. It’s a great “Mmm…what’s did you use in this?” ingredient.
14. Throw a slice in some Earl Grey tea mid-afternoon. The citrus plus the small amount of caffeine is great to perk you up but not leave you sleepless come bedtime.
15. Lemon Sugar body scrub: Equal parts raw sugar and jojoba or apricot kernel oil plus the zest of one lemon. Put it all in a empty jam jar and it makes a cute gift too.
16. Dry some lemon peel and add mint for homemade herbal tea.
17. Throw half a lemon in your dishwasher to freshen it and the dishes.
18. Make my favorite quinoa salad: Take two cups cooked quinoa, juice of half a lemon, red onion, diced tomatoes, cilantro, cumin, one cup black beans (cooked or BPA-free canned), a little EVOO and a little sea salt. Chill it. You’re welcome!
19. Use lemon juice to get ballpoint pen off your clothes. (Seems to happen to me as soon as I buy a new shirt.)
20. Make Limoncello.
21. Skip the bleach. Soak white stuff in equal parts lemon juice and baking soda.
22. Squeeze them in people’s eyes.
23. Just kidding! Skip #22. But lemon juice is great as a toner for your skin.
24. Skip the candles. Let some sliced lemon and rosemary or lavender simmer on the stove.
25. And of course, you can also make lemonade.
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