August 2, 2012

Looks like, for once, the Democrats aren’t laying down this election cycle.

An Obama ad that’s to the point.

No playing the patsy this year for the kinder, gentler Democrats?

Learn more: http://OFA.BO/AHWfiR

You work hard, stretch every penny, but chances are you pay a higher tax rate than him: Mitt Romney made $20 million dollars in 2010, but paid only 14% in taxes—probably less than you.

Now he has a plan that will give millionaires another tax break and raises taxes on middle class families by up to $2000 dollars a year. Mitt Romney’s middle class tax increase: he pays less, you pay more.

Via Reddit:

“…They are to the point and really go after romney, something I feel like the Ds haven’t done in a long time.

When I first starting paying attention to politics it was during the carter administration and his campaign against Reagan. From that first moment of my political awakening till now, the Democrats were ALWAYS weak and on the defensive; always playing the victim while the Republicans hammered away at them whether true or not.

40 years later, for the first time, I am seeing Democrats starting to attack first and hammer the GOP for their nonsense while the GOP has started to play the victim, go on the defensive and flounder about like the Democrats had been doing for so long…”

To see how much in taxes you and your family would pay under Obama vs. Romney, click “Tax Calculator.”


“We’ll never know.”

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