August 8, 2012

Lotus Blossom. {Poem} ~ Salvatore Celiento




lotus blossom,



the water’s



Tender petals



as a dragonfly


your sweet






Salvatore Celiento is a qualified counsellor, lecturer and reiki therapist, obtaining a Bachelor of Social Science (Pastoral Counselling) degree and a Master of Counselling degree from Australian Universities. He completed his Master’s thesis on mindfulness and meditation for people living with schizophrenia and anxiety. Salvatore’s paintings have been published in Offset No. 8; Offset No. 9; the haiku editon of Going Down Swinging No. 30 literary journals and his poetry has been published in Offset No. 10. He has also appeared on Australia wide radio station, Rete Italia. Salvatore is studying 9 ryūha of classical Japanese martial arts with the Sakushin dojo (www.sakushin.com.au) and studies Tibetan Buddhism in a traditional manner.

Visit him at http://mindfulnessworkshops.blogspot.com.au/ and http://guerrillatutor.tumblr.com/.



Editor: Bryonie Wise

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