August 15, 2012

The Best Facebook Status Ever.

The other day, my dear friend, Elizabeth Cosin, posted this status update. It is simply too good not to share…In its entirety…

(Elizabeth Cosin) is gonna get deep for a minute: embrace the world; hug your friends; kiss your dog on the nose. Dance, sing out loud; play games; be irreverent. Don’t worry about money; ride your bike; play Scrabble with someone in person; call your people and tell them you love them; give a gift to a stranger.

Stop worrying so much; take the deepest breath you’ve ever taken and take that breath outside; run around the house laughing; chase your dog.

Eat bacon in copious amounts!

Write stories that make you happy; listen to anything you like and turn the volume up; invite your neighbors over for tea; take a trip to visit someone you haven’t seen in awhile. Drink a little, laugh a lot; blow bubbles!

Be less judgmental and more encouraging. Be critical in a constructive way. Share your wisdom and talent with someone who can’t do anything for your career. Drive a stick shift on a two-lane highway while listening to Waylon Jennings. Let go of grievances and don’t get mad—make things right, do a good deed and don’t tell anyone. Remove “hate” from your vocabulary and don’t take anyone or anything for granted.

When in doubt be kind and thoughtful. That is all. Thank you.




Jodee Anello lives in Healdsburg, CA, where upon arriving there three years ago, was finally cured of a near fatal case of wanderlust. She works at a popular winery while she tries to figure out if modeling will ever work out, but even better would be writing, which is her passion. She uses her blog to improve her writing skills with poetry, memoir and personal essays. She is a runner and cyclist and enjoys home improvement projects, landscaping and making garage wine with friends. She is also the number one fan of her son’s band.









Editor: Alexandra Grace


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