August 26, 2012

Who Are You Judging?

Are you looking at me with your judging eyes?

I experienced an “a-ha” moment this morning.

It started while I was dropping my kids off at camp. My two beautiful boys (really they are stunning and I am not just saying that because I am their mother) were holding my hands.

We were totally excited to have an adventurous day at camp. An older woman (she appeared to be in her 60s) was walking toward me. She was smiling and loudly saying good morning to everyone she passed. When she came to me, she gave me the once over and judged me in that moment.

I could feel the disapproval in her eyes. She said nothing to me.

I beamed a megawatt smile at her while she proceeded to say loudly to the person behind me: “Good morning!” The person who is behind me giggles nervously. I am validated in that moment and I learn that never want to be that judgmental.

Thank you, whoever you are, for an important life lesson.

A moment for self-reflection

“Am I this judgemental? How do I change my attitude toward the world around me? How do I release judgment and accept people and things as they are?”

It brings me back to my yoga practice which is the filter for my life. My best non yoga friend says to me constantly, “I would love to do yoga but it is just too judgmental.” What?

Yoga teachers everywhere, are we looking at our students and the practice of yoga with our judging eyes?

Take a step back and breathe for a second.

When do we push our agenda on our students and when do we offer an alternative experience? I can’t tell you how many times yogis have turned their noses up at me for my size or my lifestyle choices. I am working on my sh*t like everyone else. One day I will be a vegan, I promise, just not today. I am working on it. My yoga is teaching me to make better choices.

Yoga for all!

Yes, all yoga is good yoga. No one style of yoga is better than any other style; it just depends on what feels good in your body and in your brain. Yes, you can simply do yoga for fitness.

It’s okay if you seek your spirituality elsewhere.

Yes, it’s okay to be of color, “big boned,” fat, old and inflexible. We need yoga to represent what is really out there in the world. Don’t let the media’s portrayal of yoga dictate what it should look like.

Stand in your power but don’t abuse it!

Think critically.

Open your eyes and see everything for the beauty it holds.

Don’t judge everything before you get a chance to know it or experience it. You will only end up limiting yourself through your judgements.

Try something new. Let go of old beliefs. Encourage someone else to do the same. Don’t push your agenda. Meet people where they are and enjoy the entire experience.

Life is good whether you believe it or not; beats the alternative.


Dianne Bondy believes if want to stand in your power then get out of your own way! Dianne has been studying, practicing and developing her love of teaching yoga for more than 20 years. Yoga has taught her the importance of connection with her true fearless spirit. It is though this connection that we find our power. Dianne shares the gift of her yoga expertise with her students in a skillful, playful and enriching manner that facilitates their own connection to and discovery of self. Her classes inspire her students to awaken their fearless selves, to embrace their power without apology. Dianne is recognized as a ERYT with the Yoga Alliance. You can connect with Dianne on Facebook, Twitter, and on her website DianneBondyYoga.com


Editor: ShaMecha Simms

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