I was inspired tonight to write something about dreams.
My dreams started when I was six. Playing with all my mother’s figurines, I would create magical stories that took me to a place that was beyond wanting a dream; these stories took me to me.
A dream, a wish for something different, is an indication that something is missing from our lives. I know that living my dream meant giving up a part of my life that I wasn’t even aware that I was missing. Then when you see it, it’s like someone shows you something and you can’t take it back.
The red or the blue pill?
Living as the person I am hasn’t been easy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. My passion for development in myself as a person and my purpose is like a game that holds me with passion and curiosity, never wanting it to end.
These last two years have been the biggest learning curve I’ve experienced (apart from motherhood).
This period of my life is about walking on new ground that won’t let me hide or be unaware. The pain is sometimes unbearable, but the clearing of the mist reveals a clearer image of truth that is breathtaking. As the yin and yang of life operate so perfectly in each step, I find myself in awe of the perfection when perhaps another may see chaos.
I bless my life and find gratitude for the challenges when the fear subsides.
In that wonderful place of connection, I see the light and love in this world.
I try to remember that emotion is an indicator, a release, a tool to understand your direction. The heart is the captain steering its way to your dreams, the real you.
The ways in which I help stay on track are two-fold. First, I want to make sure I’m fired up creatively because, to me, remaining creative merely means your ability to express yourself authentically. I then bring in some tools to help me focus on what I want in my life.
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1. Meditate
Try this, if only for five minutes. The act of intention is powerful enough to make a big difference. We have so much going on all the time and our minds our split into so many mediums, people and places. Focus on your breathing and let thoughts come to you and then move on—ask that all aspects come back into you and that anything that doesn’t belong in your body energetically, to leave.
2. Yoga and Walking
Any exercise is wonderful. In my opinion, yoga is a favorite as it’s about change because it works on your meridians. Walking is also fantastic, especially if you walk with trees and grass around you; these things clear your aura and energy field.
3. Write a Journal
Just the act of writing—pen to paper, even for just five or 10 minutes is wonderful for clearing your mind and issues as you access your subconscious. Even if you write the words, “apple, apple, apple” just keep writing and see what comes.
4. Personal Development
If you are not consistently developing yourself, how can you expect to grow and share that growth in line with your work and everyday life? You have to stay open to opportunities and be flexible.
5. Vision Board
It’s important to be clear on what you want. Focusing your energy into what you do want to happen and not regurgitating what you don’t want, will change your life fairly quickly. I’ve actually created a free vision board on my personal blog because my friends always ask to use mine. It can be found here.
Remember: If it doesn’t challenge you, then it won’t change you.
We live our lives with problems, challenges and then we die. So it’s all about how you live with your challenges that matters. Focus on making problems not something to be feared, but a device to get to know yourself, grow and move on.
Scarlett Vespa has been in the TV and Advertising industry for over 25 years. From working on television shows for Disney to directing television commercials for some of the biggest brands in Australia. She has spent her entire life looking for different ways to help live life to the fullest and is also affectionately named “Queen of Personal Development.” She is Executive Producer of her own business Brand You Media, which focuses on producing videos and television commercials to bring out the best in the person and their business for the world to see. More recently Scarlett has started “Workshop for Women in the Workplace,” a six-week course in corporate business aimed at helping women in every area of their life.
Scarlett operates two websites, check out her business site here. The other serves as a resource to help people have a happy life, check it out here.
Editor: ShaMecha Simms
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