October 13, 2012

If she survives, we’ll come for her again.


Thousands rally for Pakistani girl shot by Taliban – ISLAMABAD — Tens of thousands have rallied in Pakistan’s largest city in support of a 14-year-old girl shot and critically wounded by the Taliban for promoting girls’ education and criticizing the militant group.


Bored at School, America? Here’s why we call our annoyances “First World Problems.”

She’s just a girl.

And, already, a leader important enough to (barely) survive an assassination attempt by the woman-hating Taliban.

She became famous at the age of 12 for campaigning for education for children, including girls. A few days ago, the Taliban targeted her for assassination, shooting her on a bus (and shooting two others, as well).

This, from a few years ago:

I think of it often and imagine the scene clearly. Even if they come to kill me, I will tell them what they are trying to do is wrong, that education is our basic right.

For more, click over to The New Yorker.

Via the NY Times:

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