October 22, 2012

Study: We knew Bees everywhere are Dying. We didn’t know why. Now we do—and it’s obvious.

Pesticides put bee colonies at risk: study. Pesticides used in farming are also killing worker bees and damaging their ability to gather food, meaning colonies that are vital for plant pollination are more likely to fail when they are used, according to a new study. (abc.net.au)

Bonus: here’s six reasons we all personally have to give a care.

Colony Collapse Disorder

Australian bee expert Professor Boris Baer says the new research.

“[The study] provides clear evidence for what has been widely suspected to be a major factor contributing towards bee decline: the action of pesticides commonly used intensively in modern agriculture,” says Baer, from the Centre for Integrative Bee Research at the University of Western Australia.

“This research consolidates a further dimension to the acute bee and pollinator problem, and could well be an important milestone to understand the dramatic decline events we have observed over recent years, that are often referred to as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).”  …click here for the rest.

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