October 11, 2012

The Day of the Girl?


Source: google.com via Theresa on Pinterest

Part of me loves the idea of The Day of the Girl.

For many young women, it’s a great time to be growing up.

For others, it’s difficult, even dangerous.

But sometimes I wonder if all these days that are set apart are one more way to avoid being unified. When we take a day to set a group of human beings apart, what keeps it from being another form of marginalization? If we truly want to bring equality, why not celebrate how we are connected instead of how we are separate? If we are constantly emphasizing the walls between us, we are missing out on where we could be building bridges.

In my heart, what I’d rather see is that every day, we honor each other, all of us, no one left out.

regardless of our gender


regardless of who or how we worship

regardless of who we love

Source: lamaisondannag.blogspot.com via Maia on Pinterest

regardless of the color of our skin.

Instead of the day of the girl, the day of this the day of that… take a minute right now, where you are, for all of us. It doesn’t matter where you are, what day or time it is.

Loving kindness is for all of us—every single day.

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