I have been practicing yoga for nearly two decades(daily for almost one) to be left with a big fat ego.
I once heard on Oprah that the ego stands for “Edging God Out.”
My yoga practice is also my spiritual practice; I aim to bring the beloved into my every move and to be more “goddess-like,” “at one with the universe,” and all that jazz.
One of the ways I practice yoga off of the mat is through karma yoga, the yoga of service—to help someone without attachment or reward.
Today I noticed ego gone wild, when I became angry that a friend did not come to me for support. I mean, that is what I do. I instantly found myself forcing my help on her—we all do it one way or another! Especially this time of year; we try to get our loved ones to our yoga class, invite them to our church, force our way of eating onto them.
Why? Because it will help them live longer, be happier…and because we love them..right?!
Or, maybe it is because we want to be the one they love.
All this karma yoga is just turning out to be bad karma, even when we pour out love, goodness and service. I am not saying to stop feeding the hungry, but when our help is unwanted, it only becomes an act of violence.
Beware of the tricky ego, even with good intent, it just may be that same small, attached self, wanting to feel secure, wanting to feel loved. All we need to do is be love…which looks a little less interfering and more like compassionate and being open.
Open to allowing who and what is in front of you to be. Be love. Just be.
“I long to escape the prison of my ego and lose myself in you.” ~ Rumi
Ed: Bryonie Wise
Like I’m not “Spiritual.” I just practice being a good person on Facebook.
Source: Uploaded by user via Tahnee ☮ on Pinterest
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