December 1, 2012

Do try this at home: Playboy Yoga. {photos, video—Adult}

Bonus: for a beautiful, rather non-sexual photo series: Nude Yoga. {Photos of Model, shot by Husband}

This video raises some tough questions about the Future of Yoga. {Adult only}

Adult: Sara Jean Underwood Playboy’s Yoga Full Video

Bonus: want to see something better? Best yoga video you’ve seen for a long time.

Bonus: (Tasteful) Nude Yoga.

Bonus: Naked Yoga: Now that’s Hot Yoga (Try this [only] at Home).

Bonus: Tantric Sex (and the City).

I was among several who broke the news on the existence of “Playboy Yoga” a few years back—I swear, I just read elephant for the yoga.

And I’m personally of the opinion that this is fine if it gets folks beyond lust—the videos aren’t that sexy—and back to thinking about yoga. Likely, this video will attract folks who normally don’t belong to the “yoga demographic”—and I’m good with that. But there are serious concerns, too—touched on in my original blog, “Now we’ve seen everything.*”

But we’ve never shared the nude version. Until now.

A few years after the controversy’s died down, I think we’re ready. Or, not. Either way, here ’tis. It’s just a naked body—and, yet, it’s

…the ultimate challenge to those “Yobo” fans who say that Yoga for Weight Loss, Disco Yoga, Bikram, Adidas Yoga with (my friend) Rainbeau Mars and Yoga without all that annoying Granola, Chanting or Sanskrit may not be “traditional yoga” (a moving target in and of itself)…but nevertheless may help open the door to those who might not ordinarily be interested in pure yoga, true yoga, quality yoga.

…Yup, there’s a new url in town:


Just the url itself is enough to provoke convulsions, grimaces, grins, vomiting and/or ogling. Beauty—or otherwise—is in the eye of the beholder.

This is provocative stuff—it raises some tough questions about the Future of Yoga (addressed by elephant, yogadork, itsallyogababy, joellhahn and, in comments, by our readers in the links above).

In any case, as the Buddhists say, it’s our obstacles or enemies that are our best friends, provoking self-examination, questioning and growing pains.


NSFW, first:



For more, click here.
Or here.

Bonus: NSFW! Is Tantra about Sex? XXX? In the West, it is.


For more Wii.


One of our leading teachers defines yoga:

Cutting yoga ambition:




Hugh Hefner has died at the age of 91. A man who embodied the fantasies, support of journalism & literary excellence, objectification of women and simultaneously sexual liberation—a complicated man and legacy. #playboy #hughhefner⠀ “One of the problems with organized religion is that it has always kept women in a second-class position. They have been viewed as the daughters of Eve.” ⠀ ~ Hugh Hefner⠀ ⠀ #feminism #hefner #religion⠀ ⠀ “I would like to think that I will be remembered as someone who had some positive impact on the sociosexual values of his time. And I think I’m secure and happy in that.” ⠀ ~ Hugh Hefner⠀ ⠀ #sexualrevolution #sexualliberation #sexuality⠀ ⠀ “Life is too short to be living somebody else’s dream.” ⠀ ~ Hugh Hefner⠀ ⠀ #playboymansion #Dreams #ambition⠀ ⠀ “I was raised in a typical Puritan Midwestern Methodist home and there was a lot of hurt and hypocrisy in those times. And I think that whatever part Playboy played and that I managed to play in terms of the sexual revolution came out of what I saw in the negative part of that life and tried to change things in some positive way so that people could choose alternate personal ways of living their lives.” Click link in bio for Playboy Yoga? #playboyyoga #elephantjournal #beofbenefit #rip

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“His causes — abortion rights, decriminalization of marijuana and, most important, the repeal of 19th-century sex laws — were daring at the time. Ten years later, they would be unexceptional…

The Playboy Philosophy advocated freedom of speech in all its aspects, for which Mr. Hefner won civil liberties awards. He supported progressive social causes and lost some sponsors by inviting black guests to his televised parties at a time when much of the nation still had Jim Crow laws…

The Playboy Philosophy advocated freedom of speech in all its aspects, for which Mr. Hefner won civil liberties awards. He supported progressive social causes and lost some sponsors by inviting black guests to his televised parties at a time when much of the nation still had Jim Crow laws…

The Playboy Philosophy advocated freedom of speech in all its aspects, for which Mr. Hefner won civil liberties awards. He supported progressive social causes and lost some sponsors by inviting black guests to his televised parties at a time when much of the nation still had Jim Crow laws…

feminist critic, Susan Brownmiller, debating Mr. Hefner on a television talk show, asserted, “The role that you have selected for women is degrading to women because you choose to see women as sex objects, not as full human beings.’” ~ NY Times

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