December 28, 2012

Don’t Like Brussels Sprouts? Think again.

Brussels sprouts got a bad rap when we were kids.

Our moms probably boiled them with no seasoning at all. Yuck. But with the recipes today, you will change your mind on your feelings for them. Here is one of my favorites. Let me know what you think!


Brussels Sprouts

Coconut Oil



Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Choose the portion of Brussels sprouts you desire. Cut off bottom, to the point that some of the loose skins fall off, then cut in half. Pull loose skins off and place in bowl along side the whole Brussels sprouts.

Once cut up and loose parts are ready drizzle coconut oil over them in a bowl, take a a couple pinches of salt and pepper and place on a non-stick baking sheet and cook for about half hour or until crispy. You will know when Brussels sprouts are ready. The loose parts and whole parts will be crispy.

This is a healthy side dish, one that you and kids of any age will enjoy.


Ed: Kate B.

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