December 23, 2012

The 4 Ingredient Tea that Always Kicks My Colds.

How to stay healthy during the cold, winter months:
>> 6 Reasons My Family Doesn’t Get Sick.
>> Stop a Cold in its Tracks!
>> 8 Ways to Get & Stay Well During Cold Season.



Colds during the holidays are no fun.

I’ve been sick all week, but once I started doing this faithfully again, my cough started to subside. This falls under one of those “yeah, the science is there to explain why, but it just really helps me feel better” sorts of things.

Step 1.

A heaping tablespoon of local honey.

Step 2.

The juice of one lemon

Step 3.

Some cayenne. A few shakes or more if you can take it.

Step 4.

A slice of raw ginger

The combination of warming spices, warming and soothing honey and astringent, sour lemon work better than anything I’ve ever tried to get rid of winter colds.

Add hot water and keep repeating until that cough and cold are gone!



Drink Hot Turmeric Milk & Stay Healthier This Winter.

Make this Yummy Facial Moisturizer at Home.


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Image: Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash