December 29, 2012

Why You Don’t Need a New Year’s Resolution. ~ Rebecca Schwarz

This year, instead of focusing on one year, focus on one day.

How often do resolutions get made that are either forgotten or let go of months later?

The beauty of a resolution is that they can start fresh whenever seems fit. This year I am going to start with the 24 hour day. Short enough that the resolution won’t be forgotten and long enough that with enough attention, could carry into the next day.

How many days are lived without really living? Each day is a gift, and if we start acting like it and putting our awareness into each day, without a doubt, our daily lives will seem richer.

Does this seem intimidating? I know that a year gives you 365 days to possibly achieve what you are after, but with good intention, a day can seem just as full.

If you need a good place to start, start with yourself. Remember to focus on the good things in your life. Focus on what makes you smile throughout the day, the little things.

Finally, if you need a swift kick in the *ss to get motivated, watch this video.

Happy new day!

Rebecca Schwarz is in a state of constant awareness of just how amazingly glorious this existence can be on a small island in the middle of the Pacific. Monday mornings, early morning runs, channel crossings, belly laughter and her nieces are some of her favorite things. Sweet potatoes, kale and beets make her heart happy. She is contemplating filling her plate too full with the endless amounts of things to do in this life. If you want to try your luck put a note in a bottle and hope that it reaches her, or email her treefishjane@gmail.com.


Ed: Brianna B.


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