January 9, 2013

Don’t Say, Won’t Say, Never Say: Can’t. ~ Angela Diaz

You can do almost anything you want to do if you put forth the time and effort.

Don’t say you can’t do it…how about you just haven’t done it yet?

Not because you can’t, but maybe you just simply didn’t want to.

I didn’t stop going to college because I couldn’t finish; I didn’t want to—I chose to do something else. Anything I have ever wanted to do and put forth the time and effort to do, I have done.

Anything I haven’t was a choice, a choice that I owned, that I had the power over.

Anything in my life I have set my mind to and worked hard towards I have gotten, because I didn’t stop until I had.

It’s not always simple, easy, or instantaneous. It was a lot of hard work, frustration, disappointment.

But nothing ever didn’t happen because I couldn’t do something; it was because I stopped trying, gave up or just chose a different direction.

I have proven to myself over and over again that I can. I can! I can be a yoga instructor, I can be a writer, I can be a health coach, I can be whatever I want and you can’t take that away from me.

I will not say I can’t…I won’t let you tell me I can’t.


Nothing is a failure, it is simply a choice. We are all amazing, all-powerful human beings with the world at our fingertips and it’s ours for the taking.

Why? Because we can!



Angela Melissa Diaz is a self-proclaimed ecofashionista and thrift store/vintage clothing junkie. She’s writing for the ecofashion and wellness sections of elephant as well as bringing her social butterfly skills to the social media team. If you cannot get in touch with her via any forms of technology, she’s on her yoga mat flowing through vinyasas at 90 plus degrees or studying for her certification in health and wellness counseling. She hopes to save the world from bad food choices and stagnant lifestyles while reminding everyone to breathe and laugh as much as possible. You can reach her at [email protected] or find her on Facebook.

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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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