January 18, 2013

Union v. Hyatt: “Are yoga teachers & students who attend the Yoga Journal conference crossing a picket line?”

Here’s Yoga Journal’s Official Statement, and two yogis’ views of the situation.

I’ll have more to share tomorrow—after talking with a longtime Hyatt employee, an organizer, and a few senior yoga teachers tonight—we hope to hear and/or offer some respectful, constructive suggestions for a path of integrity based on facts and conversations with those directly involved, including those on the picket line. ~ ed.

“Official statement from the Union.”


“Are yoga teachers and students who are attending the YJ conference crossing a picket line?”

“The Hyatt Regency San Francisco is under a work-called boycott since June 2010.  The workers are calling on all customers not to eat, sleep, meet or spend any money at the hotel.

This boycott is in effect 24/7, whether or not workers are picketing at any given moment.  By entering the hotel—whether as a teacher, paying customer or conference attendee, you are violating the boycott and crossing our picket line.

Hyatt is the most abusive employer in the hotel industry.  Hyatt housekeepers face abuse with high injury rates, excessive workloads, and (in many cities) poverty wages.”

~ Julia Wong, Spokeswoman for UniteHere Local 2

In addition, they let me know that Hyatt workers at another hotel in Fisherman’s wharf  recently had an OSHA case that was significantly found in the favor that will change practices there. In other words, the federal government of the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration thinks that Hyatt workers have not been working in safe and healthy ways. So these claims are not with out significant substantiation. Here is a recent article about this.

Finally, major organizations and thousands of people have agreed to support the boycott.  None of these organizations or networks think that it is okay to stay at Hyatt. Here is a list including “AFL-CIO, NFL Players Association, NOW, Netroots Nation, LGBT organizations & more join housekeepers…”

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