Relax, Sweet Soul
What can I say to you to help you relinquish control?
You, my sweet, sweet soul.
Anguish and toil – working to plant the perfect seed in the most perfect soil.
Can you learn to lay to rest the strain and the strife
inserted by your picture of the most perfect life?
Years of yearning and hoping for things still unknown.
My wish for you, sweet girl, is to love what you have been given—
what you have been shown.
This toil, this struggle, your fist caught up into balls,
you are crashing and thrashing and running your sweet soul straight into walls.
These walls of your own imagination.
Sweet, sweet soul, begin to rest.
Open your heart in your most beautiful chest.
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This place where you thrive and hold so dear
let yourself in, let yourself hear the beauty that surrounds you, the love that abounds you.
Awaken that divine, allow her to breathe, she’s been sleeping so long.
A deep, uneasy sleep.
Harken your creative spirit, within you, you know she dwells,
alive and vibrant, she wants to sing and she wants to dance.
Inside she cries and she laughs – for the chance to appear, your own heart swells.
Release the sheath that covers your imagination
let go of the ideal romantic notion.
Your life, sweet, sweet soul, is here. It is already in motion.
Accept that life is not a thing to control. No, life is a thing that just happens.
It happens to us all.
Bring yourself shelter from your own anger, from disappointment, from strife.
Relax into your world, your body, your life.
Dear sweet, sweet soul –
You are here.
You are life.
You are me.
You are I.
Brianna Wilkins is a yogini and newbie teacher who recently relocated to Tempe, AZ on in search of more soul-gratifying, heart enriching work. Passionate about healthy living and exercise was drawn to yoga during college and the love has only grown as she has grown with her own practice. She recently completed her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in December 2012 in Scottsdale, Arizona and is currently rediscovering her talent and love for the written word as a component of her spiritual journey.
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Ed: Kevin Macku
Ed: Kate Bartolotta
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