February 27, 2013

5 Ways to Spring-Clean Your Soul. ~ Amy B. Scher

Source: baenk.com via Sarah on Pinterest


Make these simple tips part of your daily routine and you’ll feel lighter in every way.

The New Year inspires us to clean our bodies with detoxification and healthier habits. Spring brings a chance to clean our house—from floor to ceiling. But why do we miss taking care of the most important part of us—our spirit?

The spirit (or soul) is really the essence of who we are, how we love and why we live. It contains our passions, energy and drive to be bigger, better people on this earth. Our spiritual side is what makes our life flow flawlessly (perhaps not all the time) or feel stagnant and dingy. It’s easy to avoid looking at this aspect of ourselves, but the importance and impact can’t be ignored.

Here are my top five tips for spiritual cleansing this spring:

1. Reduce stress.

Clean up all the notes around your house about bills and stressful reminders and put them all in one place. Reducing stress this way can make you feel more connected to that grounded, centered part of your being—the part that leads with intuition and has the creative capacity to bring your desires to fruition.

2. Decide which of your behaviors no longer serve you.

We easily become so weighed down by self-defeating and sabotaging behaviors, including negative self-talk, not having compassion and forgiveness for ourselves, setting higher than reasonable expectations of ourselves and more. Take an honest look at your life and determine which of your behaviors don’t serve you; then uncover how your behavior is either helping you grow or hindering you from growing.

3. Release fear.

Fear is something that inhibits us in so many ways: preventing us from connecting fully with loved ones, making us hesitant to follow our dreams and negatively affecting our physical bodies. One of my favorite tricks is to tap on acupressure points on the body to help release this energy. I often use a technique called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), but there is a shortcut I suggest for those who aren’t familiar with it. Find a spot about halfway down the top of your hand, in the groove between the pinky and ring finger. Simply use three or four fingers of your other hand and tap or rub that spot. Use it along with deep breaths when you can’t calm down. You are tapping a specific point on one of your meridians (also known as energy pathways) in the body. This one is responsible for your “fight or flight pattern,” one most of us go into far too often when we’re fearful.

4. Let the earth help you cleanse.

The earth’s energy has many benefits, including helping to regulate hormones in the body and keeping you grounded, which often helps you feel more calm and confident. Simply make an effort to physically connect with the earth more often. The best way to reap the benefits of the earth’s healing properties is to go barefoot on the sand, dirt or grass as often as possible.

5. Clear the energy of your “energy space suit.”

I always think of the space right around your body as a space suit. Many refer to this as the aura. Our auras are like magnets picking up energies that are floating around our environment. While most people cannot see the aura, it is still an important part of how we feel. We need to clear this energy regularly. Here’s how:

  • >> Using your fingertips, brush through the space surrounding your body from head to toe. Rinse your hands under cold water after to clear them of any negative energy.
  • >> Soak in a salt bath. You can use sea salt or Epsom salt.
  • >> Use flower petals to create a spray for aura cleansing. Flowers and plants have a natural ability to cleanse. Simply soak some of your favorite flower petals in a spray bottle of spring water overnight. Mist it over your body from head to toe daily.

Ah, now doesn’t that already feel better than cleaning windows in your living room? Make these simple tips part of your daily routine and you’ll feel lighter in every way. They aren’t time consuming and they’re all free.


Amy B. Scher is the author of This is How I Save My Life—A True Story of Embryonic Stem Cells, Indian Adventures, and Ultimate Self-Healing (January 2013). She is an expert in mind-body-spirit healing with offices in Los Angeles and Monterey, California. She uses energy therapy techniques to help those with chronic illness and those in need of emotional healing to identify, release and move on. Amy lives by the self-created motto: “When life kicks your ass, kick back.” www.HowISaveMyLife.com



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Ed. Caroline Scherer & Brianna Bemel

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